Monday 28 February 2022

I am still blogging …

I am still blogging … 

but I’ve moved.

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Tuesday 14 September 2021

Skin Profile

This week we made our own skin profile. We used a app where you could create your own skin. The app we used allowed us to choose our gender and what pants, body and head looks like. As you can see My main Skin charater is the one with the black helmet with red stripes. When I strated to create my charater I went for a racer that holds a dagger on his back. I really enjoy doing this task beacuse you can come up with the most creative skin. 

Monday 16 August 2021

Ancient Greek Olympics Presentation

LI. To give in presintaion on the acintent greek Oulmpics


Were ancient Olympic events any different from those of modern times? -  EgyptToday

Last week, LS2 gave presentations to the class about what we know on the Ancient Greek Olympics. For this task, my group used Prezi to present and recorded a Screencastify to present to the class. Prezi is a good way to keep your audience entertained by animating the different areas of your slideshow.

We talked about what the Ancient Greek Olympics was and what took place on the five days of the Olympics. We also gave 5 fun facts about the Ancient Olympics.

I enjoyed this because it was fun to present and learn about the Ancient Greek Olympics as well. One fun fact that I learnt about the Ancient Greek Olympics was that one athlete trained by lifting a bull calf everyday until it was a full grown bull.


 LI: To write what Hauora might help an athlete with.

Our objective for this task was to make a Hauora poster based off what we know of athletes. We wrote what we might think an Olympic athlete would use the four areas of Hauora in their training or during the Olympics.

Hauora is the four walls of our well-being. They are our physical, mental, spiritual and family well-being.

I enjoyed this task because I was able to look at Hauora through an athletes eyes and see Hauora from an athletes perspective.

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Mindfulness reflextion #1

 LI: To practise mindfulness.

Today, we focused on mindfulness and having a peaceful mental well-being. Sometimes, our mind isn’t concentrating well and is doing something called ‘mind wandering’. We calmed ourselves down by using the Pause, Breathe and Smile method.

Mindfulness is calming your body and your mind, focusing on your mental health, focusing on what’s happening right now, removing the negativity from your mind and being mindful of yourself and others. Mindfulness is a way to balance the 4 pillars of your hauora.

Often in a frustrating situation, our mind enters the red zone. The red zone is when we feel angry, anxious, frustrated, irritable, stressed, overly excited, worried, distracted or any other negative emotion that we usually cannot control. We use a mindfulness technique which helps us to be calm, clear, content, balanced, peaceful, relaxed, curious and engaged in what we are doing.

This session of mindfulness was helpful because it can help yourself and others become calm in stressful situations as well as focus on what is happening right now and being aware of your emotions.

Thursday 1 July 2021

Greek Mytholgy

LI:To use our smart searching skills to expand our knowledge of Ancient Greek Mythology.

Today David shared the next reading challenge with us. It is all about the Greek gods and helps us to practise the skills we have been learning in our reading lessons with our teachers. David created this task as part of his CARE award challenges. In this smart searching activity, we used our comprehension and research skills to learn about Greek Mythology vocabulary and identify Greek places on the map. I found this activity fun because learning about the places on the map will help us in the future task.


LI. To write a abstract noun senses poem

This week for writing we wrote abstract noun poems in pairs. An abstract noun is something that exists but cannot be touched. Our abstract noun poem was about happiness. An abstract noun includes the 5 senses (Touch/ feel, taste, hear, see and smell), punctuation ( Capital letters, .), complex sentences, metaphors and similes After we finished writing our poems we used the DRAFT (Delete, Rearrange, Add, Fix, Talk)  process to check our poem, with draft we can make correct errors in our writing