Thursday, 11 April 2019

Duffy Assembly

This week we had a special assembly because someone special came to our assembly and that person was from the wiggles he was one of the brown wiggle. His name was robert rakete he had to say speech about his favorite book. Then he showed the wiggle song his favorite book was a fiction book. This book is good to read. 

Imaginative Recount Events & Ending

LI. To Write a Imaginative Recount 

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Term 1 kiwi can overview

LI. To recap everything we did in kiwi can

Today in kiwi can we recapped all of our learning from term 1. Our big theme was positive relationships our 3 modules were

  • Positive communication 
  • friendship
  • cooperation
We made 3 groups. each group talked about the 5 w's and h for 1 module. after that we talked as a group. Each group shared their ideas back to the class.

My Reflection

1 Thing I enjoyed was playing last man standing
1 I Learnt about friendship and what it is.
1 thing I need to get better at cooperation (so when we are playing a game we can include others)


Friday, 5 April 2019

Imaginative Recount Plan

Imaginative Recount Plan

LI: to write an imaginative recount.
For writing this week we had to go on a slide with some things from T.R.E.E ( Title, Reveal, Events, Ending) and fill it in. We had to make an imaginative recount using a story called "Little Red Riding Hood", we had to make some thing's up for our imaginative recount, we had to make things up because we couldn't copy the story. Up above you can see three slides that did. This week I learned by going onto the slide.

basic facts

LI. To finish your basic facts boxes
Today I had to beat the teacher time, the time was 3 :32 .
It was hard to move fast but unfortunately my time was 6:51 because I also did add/sub and my teacher only did addition.

Ki O Rahi

L.I:To practice the full game of Ki-o Rahi.

Taniwha Role
 This team is Taniwha.How Taniwha scores points is that they have to throw the Ki at the Tupu.When Kioma has the Ki the way Taniwha get's the ball back they have to rip the two tags of that person.

Kioma Role
This team is Kioma.How Kiom score points is that they have the Ki and they have to touch how many Pou they want then they can run into Powhrua to score a point.


LI: To learn how to play notes and chords.

Today we were went to room eight to do music. A group of people went on the keyboards, xylophones, and Ukuleles. I was on the Ukuleles first then after 15 minutes switched to the xylophones. We were practicing the notes: C, F, A, & G. I think I am pretty good at the notes. If you can master the notes C, F, A, & G you can play most songs. My favourite thing to play on was the xylophone after that we played some songs then some people got to go on the keyboard when we play the keyboard we gat free time then we packed up and left.   


LI. To learning about Hauora

In hauora we did 3 different things about hauora which were personal hauora and hauora. we had to pick 4 types of word these are the 4 types of word physical,mental/emotional,spiritual and social.we had to say those word in maori. then we had to make personal hauora that is when we had to write something that we  do at home. we also had to make car when we made it we had to pick one of those 3 things I pick mental/emotion.

We also had to make a DLO in a group. The cars that we made we had to put it on the DLO that we made the cars that we made had to have some information about It. one of the car's weel has to be different  

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Kiwi can

LI. To build positive relationship.

Today in kiwi can we were learning about friendship. we learnt that there are times we can say no!
We talked about situation were it is ok to say no!

We discussed different way to say no that don't cause disrespect.
we did a activity called empathy role play.
A group acted out a situation and as a class we needed to decide the way to say no:
our options were

  • No thanks
  • lets do something else instead.
  • it's just not my thing 
  • that's not a nice thing to do. 

Tuesday, 2 April 2019


LI. To learn the something about the class or school by using statistics. In our maths session we were cleaning the data.david and me were the ones that cleared the data. and while we were clearing the data We had to find some double ups.