Friday, 28 June 2019

Ki o Rahi

LI.To play Ki o Rahi and to have fun

The first games we were versing was Tamaki primary first Tamaki was kioma and we were Taniwha Then we lost it was by one point it was 6 to 5.Next game were going against Stan Hope. we stated as kioma and we won it was 7 to 3 to us.
The third school we versed paua this game was a close game but we lost. The next team we when against was Stone fields this school had good runs but we won. The last team we versted was 
St Patricks we also won we were so happy we were called PBS 2 and the other team was PBS 1     

Information Report

LI. to write a information report.
This week for writing we were writing a information report and some notes about the 3 dinosaurs that we picked. Some people to do it by themselves and some people didn't. To find this we were using DK find out it tells you all about dinosaurs,animals,sport,space,history and transport 

  1. First it was dino S
  2. Next dino E
  3. Then dino T 

Thursday, 27 June 2019


LI. To organise our drive

For cybersmart we learnt to clean our drive faster so we don't waste time. our teacher taught
us 3 skills to use when we have too much files using ctrl,shift alt click the mouse button.we did these skills to not waste any time and so we can get our work done. 

Friday, 14 June 2019


LI. To explore our gymnastics skills.

Warm up
We did stretches to make sure we were flexible and wouldn't injury ourself.
the type of stretches were

  1. shape straddle-the L shape is is sitting down put your legs straight in front of you and you hands have to be in the air.

  1. Butterfly wing strength-butterfly wing stretch is putting your knees out then put your feet together and flap by moving your knee up and down 

  1. tuck- tuck is when you put your two knee next to your face and arms on each leg
  1. seal- the seal shape is when your tummy in on the floor and you lift your tummy off the floor with your arms and your legs are still on the floor straight and your head is looking up 
We has 3 stations
and they were.
  1. supports
  2. Balance
  3. roll/balance

patupaiarehe and mountain

LI. to learn the geography of aotearoa.

Mount maunganui is a mountain in tauranga. the hunua and waitakere ranges are mountains in Auckland. patupaiarehe are fairies that lived on these mountains in maori myths.

I learned about the patupaiarehe  and mountain by listening to two stories the legend of mano and the turehu wars. I learned where the mountains are by looking on google maps.

What is a patupaiarehe?

A   patupaiarehe is a pail fairy that can fade from sun and the shadows.
Patupaiarehe has magical powers A  patupaiarehe skin color is pale the hair is pale as well A patupaiarehe
lives in the forest where most of the shadow is A
patupaiarehe only comes out at night because the sun goes down and it becomes dark.
A patupaiarehe can be naughty,nice,mean.

Thursday, 13 June 2019


LI.To learn the seasons in maori in te reo.

The maori name for season is tau Autumn,Spring and winter have there own name in maori.
   used Te Ara website to find these word.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019


L.I To learn how to retell and summarise.
For reading we are talking about retelling and summarising for the your book
we had to read and book and find information that was on the slide.

Friday, 7 June 2019

paper and plastic

LI. To relate with fractions and division.
This week for maths we were learning to use fractions and to divide using plastic and paper. We cut the paper the same amount of our answer that we had on the box.
 We also did this using paper.  


This week for gymnastic we were learning new stretch like cat leep and we had to do a pose on the bar but before we had to jump on the bar and do the pose and walk sideway on the bar. When we started the first thing I did was the parallel bars the parallel bars in when you you sewing your legs without touching the ground .

Rotation 1

Parallel bars
front,back,side support

Rotation 2 

Balance bar
bunny hops side to side on the bar
forward roll on the bar 

Rotation 3

little trampoline
backward roll




LI. learn how to attribute images

Thursday, 6 June 2019

A mud cake


LI. How to write a procedure text of our own.

This week for writing we were learning about materials and before I made the slide we talked about materials then we made our own materials slide. we then were able to do our own procedural text using the knowledge we have learnt so far.

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

kiwi can

LI. Follow through with what we say
Our topic for the week was responsibility

ENERGISER: Count to 21

Activity: 3 Goals setting.

things we can strike to complete them by the end of the term

  1. My first goal is finishing my work without talking to my friends
  2.  My second goal is finding out new information that I didn't know
  3. My third goal was to walk my dog without my mum telling me to  
To follow through with what we say is to actually do it. we can show this by being responsible at home and at school. This is  shown by doing

  • Bins
  • window
  • pack up 
OUR NEW KIWI CAN PHRASE kiwi can says reasonable is what I am and that's the way of kiwi can.